
Inside React (Part 1) - how to get started.

How to get started with understanding how React works under the hoodRead More →

Send iMessage to a loved one from the terminal!

Powered by bash and AppleScript!Read More →

How to get sorted set in descending order with node redis

everything is zRange nowRead More →

Building UDP server from scratch in Zig

In this post we'll build a UDP server from scratch in Zig. We'll cover how to create a socket, bind it to a specific address and port, and listen for messages.Read More →

How to use Tailwind (NativeWind) with Expo

Quick guide to using Tailwind NativeWind with ExpoRead More →

Don't use negative variable & function names

Use positive variable and function namesRead More →

Getting Closure with React

How closures work & how it's used in ReactRead More →

Building Typesafe Full Stack App w/ Apollo Server 4, Railway, Prisma, Pothos, Next, & TS (part 1 - setting up the server)

Pothos makes getting e2e typesafety really easy! In this article we'll be setting up a full stack app with Apollo Server 4, Railway, Prisma, Pothos, Next, & TSRead More →

6 Code Smells In React I Look Out For

Be sure not to include these in your app.Read More →

⚛ React Tips - You're misusing the React useEffect hook (probably)

tldr; only use to sync external systems to ReactRead More →

⚛ React Tips - Don't define component inside of another component

tldr; Defining a component inside of another component creates a costly bug that causes unnecessary re-renders and can be solved by moving the child component outside of the parent component.Read More →