Building UDP server from scratch in Zig
At a high level this is how UDP servers work:
- Create a socket
- Bind the socket to a specific address and port (through the OS)
- Listen for messages at that specific address and port
Here's how we do these steps in Zig:
Create a socket
We need to tell the OS to create a socket via the `std.os.socket` function.
Here's it's signature:
fn socket(domain: u32, socket_type: u32, protocol: u32) SocketError!socket_t
refers to the IP address family: i.e. IPv4, or IPv6.
is exactly what it sounds like. We'll use DGRAM (datagram) to signal we're making a UDP socket.
is for when we support multiple protocols for our server. For our simple one we only support 1 protocol: UDP. By passing a 0 we're telling the system to use the inferred protocol.
We get a socket_t
from this to represent a socket.
const sock = try std.os.socket(std.os.AF.INET, std.os.SOCK.DGRAM, 0);
bind the socket
Next we need to tell the OS to bind the socket to a specific port and address so we can listen for messages.
Here's the function signature for bind
fn bind(sock: socket_t, addr: *const sockaddr, len: socklen_t) BindError!void
// addr is *const T where T is one of the sockaddr
is the socket we created from earlier (remember the socket_t
is a pointer to a sockaddr
is the size of the Address
struct. Use the getOsSockLen
method from our Address
Let's talk about how to get the sockaddr
First we need to give the socket an address via: parseIP4
Here's the function signature:
fn parseIp4(buf: []const u8, port: u16) !Address
the buf
is the IP (idk why it's called a buf here)
From this we get an Address
Address looks like this:
pub const Address = extern union {
any: os.sockaddr,
in: Ip4Address,
in6: Ip6Address,
We can use the .any
to access the socket address!
It needs a pointer so be sure to pass the address (via &
We have this so far:
const std = @import("std");
const os = std.os;
pub fn main() !void {
const sock = try std.os.socket(std.os.AF.INET, std.os.SOCK.DGRAM, 0);
const parsed_address = try"", 3000);
try os.bind(socket, address.any, address.getOsSockLen());
Listen for messages
We'll use the recvfrom
provided by the OS. This will get us the data from the socket without the address from the client.
The signature looks like this:
fn recvfrom(
sockfd: socket_t,
buf: []u8,
flags: u32,
src_addr: ?*sockaddr,
addrlen: ?*socklen_t,
) RecvFromError!usize
It needs a few things:
- what socket we're wanting to listen to (
) - A buffer to put the bytes it gets from the stream
The rest of the args from the signature aren't needed in this example.
Be sure to stick recvfrom in a persisted loop to keep listening for data.
Code example
const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const net =;
const os = std.os;
test "create a socket" {
var socket = try Socket.init("", 3000);
try expect(@TypeOf(socket.socket) == std.os.socket_t);
const Socket = struct {
socket: std.os.socket_t,
fn init(ip: []const u8, port: u16) !Socket {
const parsed_address = try, port);
const sock = try std.os.socket(std.os.AF.INET, std.os.SOCK.DGRAM, 0);
errdefer os.closeSocket(sock);
return Socket{ .address = parsed_address, .socket = sock };
fn bind(self: *Socket) !void {
try os.bind(self.socket, &self.address.any, self.address.getOsSockLen());
fn listen(self: *Socket) !void {
var buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
while (true) {
const received_bytes = try std.os.recvfrom(self.socket, buffer[0..], 0, null, null);
std.debug.print("Received {d} bytes: {s}\n", .{ received_bytes, buffer[0..received_bytes] });
Interacting with the server
We can run nc -u 3000
to interact with the UDP server. Be sure to pass the -u flag to tell netcat that this is a UDP connection as it defaults to TCP.

Thanks for reading :)