How to get sorted set in descending order with node redis

You've got a structure like this:
redisClient.zAdd('leaderboard', {score: 0, value: "charlie"}
redisClient.zAdd('leaderboard', {score: 1, value: "beth"}
redisClient.zAdd('leaderboard', {score: 2, value: "adam"}
Sadly the below only retrieves the values in ASCENDING order
redisClient.zRange('leaderboard', 0, 2);
This will give us:
1) "charlie"
2) "beth"
3) "adam"
We have to pass the REV flag in the options
redisClient.zRange('leaderboard', 0, 2, {
REV: true,
If you ctrl+space in the object you get so many options it's hard to find it.
It took me a solid 10 min to find this. Hope this helps someone!
How to sort in desc order for top 10 results:
zRange('leaderboard', 0, 9, {
REV: true,
how to do it with scores:
redisClient.zRangeWithScores('leaderboard', 0, 9, {
REV: true,
How to do it in CLI:
ZRANGEBYSCORE leaderboard 0 9 rev